Film Tint

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  • gallery image of Film Tint
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New Zealand

Investment From



Operational Structure

Owner-operator and Employees

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Film Tint


Film Tint is an industry-leading window-tinting company, experiencing demand all year long. This lucrative business opportunity offers high year-round demand as a trade that is not weather dependant and a customer pool that varies from homeowners to commercial office spaces and schools. As one of the trade’s most reputable operators, Film Tint is often the first port of call for installation on more complex projects due to their reputation for exceptional skill and workmanship. Offering the best available training in an industry with few competitors as well as generous exclusive territories and head office support that can be tailored to individual franchisee requirements, a Film Tint franchisee has the opportunity to run this business to suit their lifestyle needs.


Phil is one of the industries most experienced window film installers. Starting his career in Australia almost 20 years ago, little training was available and breaking into the market was an uphill battle. Since then, Phil has built on his valuable industry knowledge, perfecting his own process, which he is finally and enthusiastically ready to pass on to new franchisees. Passionate about more than just providing a service that is unparalleled, Phil can tell you all the additional benefits of window tinting too, from the environmental impact to the reduction of household expenses. Truly a master of his trade, Phil elevates window tinting from skilled labour to a true artform.  

Franchisee Profile

  • Someone with drive, and a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail
  • Ideal for a husband and wife team wanting to work together in a business that affords flexibility around school or lifestyle commitments
  • Equally suitable for individual owner-operators
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