Street Eats Eatery

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  • gallery image of Street Eats Eatery
  • gallery image of Street Eats Eatery
  • gallery image of Street Eats Eatery
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gallery image of Street Eats Eatery
gallery image of Street Eats Eatery
gallery image of Street Eats Eatery
gallery image of Street Eats Eatery
gallery image of Street Eats Eatery


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Street Eats Eatery


Street Eats Eatery is your passport to bringing the world's most tantalising street foods down under. With a diverse menu on offer we’re serving everything from Greece’s famous gyros and lamb koftas to Nepal’s irresistible momos, Korea’s crispy chicken, and even adventurous bites like real crickets! Our ever-evolving selection ensures customers are always excited to see what’s new. As a franchise partner, you'll benefit from extensive marketing support, seamless website management, and rigorous quality control, all designed to keep standards high and customers satisfied. We provide ongoing menu innovation and strong supplier relationships to get you the best prices on all your ingredients and FOH needs. Our team will help you find the perfect location and set up your eatery with our distinctive street-style décor that customers love. With exclusive territories and a business model with years of proven success, you'll receive comprehensive training in all aspects of the operation, ensuring you're well-prepared to run your own thriving Street Eats Eatery. Enjoy high returns as you stand out and serve up a global culinary experience. Get ready to spice up the local food scene and turn every meal into an adventure with Street Eats Eatery!

Franchisor Profile

It was love at first bite for Ashish Chibba, who grew up in India eating some of the world’s most beloved street dishes. With a passion for sensational flavours and fantastic service, Ash recognised his calling early on, dedicating his life to hospitality from 18 years old. After gaining experience in bars, restaurants, hotels, and training as a professional chef, Ash was working FIFO, managing hospitality sites when the streets inspired him to start working on his own menu - one that would change the face of bar food in Perth, WA. In 2018 his dreams became a reality when he opened the doors to Street Eats Eatery as part of the initial offering of Yagan Square. Unfortunately, the location fell entirely, with all the businesses folding except for 2, another bar and Street Eats Eatery. 6 years later the venue is still going strong, growing profits year on year thanks to an adaptable, innovative menu, amazing atmosphere and loyal customer base. Now, with diners demanding to see their favourite street eats nationwide, Ash’s ready to deliver, and take the business to new heights with the help of franchise partners who love international flavours as much as he does. 

Franchise Partner Profile

- Owner Operator
- Background in hospitality/food/kitchen/business a must
- Bar or venue management experience highly desirable
- Must love good food
- Suitable for an investor visa and those migrating to Australia
- Some business and management experience is a must
- An outgoing and energetic personality
- Dedication to exceptional service
- Strong business acumen
- Solid capital footing

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Categories: Food & Beverage, Other